A guide for using our resources

Children will develop awareness of one town’s holiday tradition.

Vocabulary: Mexico, sculptures, wilt

Social Studies Focus: holiday traditions

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RI.1.1 ask and answer questions; RI.1.2 key details; RI.1.4 determine meaning of words; RI.1.10 read informational texts appropriate for grade 1; RF.1.2 long and short vowels; RF.1.3 consonant digraphs; W.1.8 recall experiences; SL.1.1 collaborative conversations

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text Suggestion: Come and Join Us!: 18 Holidays Celebrated All Year Long by Liz Kleinrock

  • This book is not only a great resource for learning about different cultures and traditions, it contains thoughtful discussion questions encouraging readers to make text-to-self connections.

Phonics Focus: Digraph sh

  • Write the word radish and underline the letters sh. Ask students what sound the letters make. Practice making the sh sound together.
  • Have students find the digraph sh in their issue. Can they find a word other than radish or radishes with this digraph? (fresh)

Hands-on Activity: My Radish Sculpture

Skills: engineering

Materials: Design a Radish Sculpture! skill sheets, pencil, crayons

  • Students plan and illustrate their own radish sculpture.
  • Look back at the issue and discuss the photographs. What kinds of sculptures do students see? What words can they use to describe them?
  • Have students imagine they were making a radish sculpture. Provide each student with a Design a Radish Sculpture! skill sheet.
  • Read each prompt on the sheet. Allow time for students to write about their sculpture, circle words that tell what their sculpture is like, and then draw their sculpture. Have students color their designs.
  • Collect and hang up students’ designs. Then have students walk around the room to look at everyone's design for your very own radish celebration!