A guide for using our resources
Children will discover interesting facts about tarantulas and consider their own opinion on these spiders.
Vocabulary: tarantulas, calm, bristles, opinion
Science Focus: animal characteristics and behavior
CCSS and Similar State Standards: RL.1.1 key details; RF.1.3 decode words; W.1.1 opinion writing; RI.1.10 read and discuss firstgrade texts; SL.1.2 ask and answer questions; L.1.1 adjectives
Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.
Paired Text Suggestion: I'm Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton
Paired Text Suggestion: I'm Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton
- This book will have your class laughing and learning amazing facts about spiders. If you have any students who do not love spiders yet, they might start to after reading this book!
Adjectives Hunt: Find the Descriptive Words
Adjectives Hunt: Find the Descriptive Words
- As you read, reflect on each section. What words were used to describe tarantulas?
- Track the adjectives by having students circle each adjective as it comes up, or create a class list of adjectives as each descriptive word is found. Do students have their own adjectives to add to the list?
- Some sample words to find: purple, orange, big, gentle.
Hands-On Activity: My Tarantula Opinion
Hands-On Activity: My Tarantula Opinion
Skill: opinion writing
Materials: My Tarantual Opinion skill sheets, scissors, glue, pencil, crayons, pipe cleaners, tape or string, cotton balls
- Make a classroom display showing off students’opinions on tarantulas!
- Provide each student with a My Tarantula Opinion skill sheet. Have them select whether they think tarantulas are more creepy or cool. Then encourage them to explain why they think so. Students can refer to their issue for facts about tarantulas.
- Students can color around their opinion. Then have them cut out the circle. Give students pipe cleaners to glue onto their sheet to make spider legs. Remind them to consider how many legs a tarantula has!
- Create a display with your students' opinions. Use tape, string, and stretched-out cotton balls to create a spiderweb background for the display. Place students' tarantulas on the web for a creepy and cool display!