A guide for using our resources

Children will examine the ways that evergreen trees help animals survive in the winter.

Vocabulary: evergreen, pine cones, decidious

Science Focus: animals and plants

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RL.1.1 key details; RF.1.2 vowel sounds; RF.1.3 decode words; W.1.8 writing; SL.1.2 ask and answer questions

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text Suggestion: Why Evergreens Keep Their Leaves by Annemarie Riley Guertin

  • This story follows a hurt little red bird seeking a safe place to rest. Which trees will help her and get to keep all

Phonics Focus: Long ee sound

  • In this issue, students can find words that have the long ee sound. Encourage students to underline each word they find and count how many are in the article! Examples include: evergreen, trees, deer, seeds.

Hands-On Activity: Tree Watch!

Skill: observing, classifying

Materials: Tree Watch! skill sheet, pencil, markers, clipboard

  • Students can go on a nature walk to make their own tree observations!
  • Give each student a Tree Watch! skill sheet on a clipboard. As a class, take a walk outside to look for trees. If a nature walk is not possible, look at videos of trees or provide books with nature photographs.
  • Give students time to draw a tree they see. Return to the classroom and have students label their drawing using words from the Word Bank. Then they can add colors to their drawing.
  • When their drawings are complete, have students answer the questions under their drawing. What ideas do they have about the trees they see?