A guide for using our resources

Children will examine various jobs firefighters have.

Vocabulary: rescued, chain saw

Social Studies Focus: firefighters, community helpers

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RL.1.1 key details; RF.1.2 phonemes; RF.1.3 decode words; W.1.1 writing; L.1.2 irregular words; SL.1.2 ask and answer questions

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text Suggestion: Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill by Jamie Harper

  • Use this delightful story to discuss and practice fire drills in your school. You will want to reread to learn facts about all the interesting animals in Miss Mingo’s class.

Phonics Focus: long i (-igh-) sound

  • Tell students that sometimes the long i sound can be written using -igh-. Write down some familiar words and underline -igh- in each word. Examples include: night, light, high. Then ask students to find words with -igh- in their issue. Underline each one!

Hands-On Activity: If I Were a Firefighter . . .

Skill: opinion writing, fine-motor

Materials: Firefighter Hat template skill sheets, scissors, tape or glue, coloring tools, pencil, sentence strip or other long paper

  • Ask students to think about the different firefighter jobs they read about. Which job is their favorite?
  • Give each student a Firefighter Hat template skill sheet. Have them write which job they would like to do if they were a firefighter. Then they can color the rest of the hat.
  • With a partner’s or teacher’s help, students can wrap a long strip of paper around their head. Attach ends and cut off any excess paper.
  • Students can cut out their hat and glue it onto their paper headband. Have students wear their hats.
  • Extend the activity by having students find others who share their opinion. Which job do most students like best?
  • Save hats to wear during play!