A guide for using our resources

In honor of Women’s History Month, students will learn about the life and legacy of artist Frida Kahlo.

Vocabulary: easel, self-portrait, museum

Social Studies Focus: Women’s History Month


CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RL.1.1 key details; RF.1.2 syllables; RF.1.3 decode words; RI.1.5 text features; RI.1.10 read first-grade texts; W.1.2 writing; SL.1.2 ask and answer questions

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text Suggestion: Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos by Monica Brown

  • Continue to explore Frida Kahlo’s legacy by reading about the beloved animals in her life that inspired her art.

Phonics Focus: Consonant Blend fr-

  • Write the name Frida where students can see it. Have students practice saying her name. What do they notice about the first two letters in her name? It’s a consonant blend! Have students find and circle every word in the article that begins with the consonant blend fr-. How many are there?

Hands-on Activity: My Self-Portrait

Skills: self-awareness, fine-motor

Materials: My Self-Portrait skill sheet, pencils, markers, crayons

  • Students will plan and create their very own self-portrait, just like Frida Kahlo!Give students the Lion School Poster skill sheet and a pencil. Tell them it’s their job to get people to come to Lion School. What do people need to know about Lion School?
  • Give each student a My Self-Portrait skill sheet and pencil.
  • Have a class discussion about the things Frida included in her selfportraits. Guide students to think about what things they love and which they would include in their self-portrait.
  • Ask students to draw themselves with their three chosen items in the frame. Then allow students to complete their masterpiece by adding color. Hang up students’ self-portraits for a beautiful display that honors Frida Kahlo!