Lesson Plan: Superstar Stevie
A guide for using our resources
Learning Objective
Children will learn about the life and legacy of Stevie Wonder.
Vocabulary: harmonica, hits
Social Studies Focus: Black History Month
CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RL.1.1 key details; RF.1.2 consonant blends; RI.1.5 text features; RI.1.10 read and discuss first-grade texts; W.1.2 writing; SL.1.2 ask and answer questions
Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.
Paired Text Suggestion: Stevie Wonder by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Paired Text Suggestion: Stevie Wonder by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
- Read more about the life of Stevie Wonder with this illustrated biography that includes a timeline with photographs from his life.
Phonics Focus: Consonant blend st-
Phonics Focus: Consonant blend st-
- First have students find all the words that begin with the s sound and underline these words. Then tell students that some of the words they found might be part of a consonant blend! Have students review the words they found and circle the ones that begin with the blend st-. As they work, ask students if they can find another word with a different consonant blend? (smile or street)
Hands-On Activity: A Card for Your Sunshine
Hands-On Activity: A Card for Your Sunshine
Skill: relationships, fine-motor
Materials: A Card for Your Sunshine skill sheet, sheets of construction paper, markers, pencils, scissors, glue
- Students will think of someone special in their life and make a card for them.
- Pass out the A Card for Your Sunshine skill sheet. Ask students to think about someone they care about. Have them fill out the blanks in the card to write a special note to that person.Have students draw the chosen spaces on their Ready, Set, Melt! skill sheet. Then they can make a prediction by choosing where the ice will melt the fastest.
- Then let students cut out the two parts of the card. Give students a sheet of construction paper to fold in half. Have them glue the cover of the card on the front and their note on the inside.
- Let students decorate their cards with additional colors and drawings. If possible, play music that makes your students feel good! Encourage them to give their card to their special person.