A guide for using our resources

Students will recall facts about the human skeletal system.

Vocabulary: femur, stirrup, cast, calcium

Science Focus: human body

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RI.1.1 key details; RF.1.3 phonics and word analysis; SL.1.1 collaborative conversations; L.1.1 grammar; L.1.2 standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling; W.1.2 informative writing; W.1.8 gather information; RL.1.1 key details

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Dem Bones by Bob Barner

  • A seasonal classic, Dem Bones introduces kids to elements of rhythm and beat. Allow kids to participate in a class sing-along while also learning about the bones of the human body!

Class Brainstorm: How Do We Take Care of Our Bones?

  • Create a two-column chart with the headings Before Reading and After Reading. Ask children to share ways that they take care of their bones.
  • After reading the article, ask children to share new ideas for taking care of their bones.

Grammar Builder: Question or Statement

  • Tell children that when we read, listen, and speak, there are different types of sentences. Two types of sentences are questions and statements. In a question, we are asking someone something and expecting an answer. In a statement, we are being told something.
  • Using example sentences from the article, ask children to identify the sentences as questions or statements. For example:
    • What is the smallest bone? (question)
    • You can eat foods with calcium. (statement)

Hands-On Activity: Dr. Bones Says

Skill: movement

Materials: lab coat and glasses (optional)

  • Let children get their sillies out with this version of “Simon Says.”
  • If you’d like, dress up as Dr. Bones by wearing a lab coat and glasses.
  • Remind children that they each have a skeleton. It is made up of different bones. Say that Dr. Bones will call out commands for how to move each bone. But they should follow only the commands that start with “Dr. Bones says . . .”
  • Here are some suggested commands:
    • "Dr. Bones says wiggle your finger bones.”
    • “Dr. Bones says lift up your femur bone.”
    • “Dr. Bones says point to your stirrup bone.”
  • Children are out of the game if they follow a command that does not start with “Dr. Bones says . . .” The last child left wins! Then let that child be Dr. Bones!