A guide for using our resources

Children will meet Rosie Quinn, a girl with alopecia who began a charity to spread happiness to kids like her.

Vocabulary: alopecia, charity

SEL: social awareness

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RI.1.1 key details; RI.1.5 text features; RI.1.10 read and discuss fi rst-grade texts; RF.1.3.A digraphs; RF.1.3.D syllables; W.1.3 narrative writing

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text Suggestion: My Hair Went on Vacation by Paula Quinn

  • Read more about Rosie’s story with this delightful book written by her mother.

Syllable Hunt: Three or More

  • Work together to find and underline the words that have three or more syllables.
  • Possible answers: family, alopecia, charity, medical, superhero.

Digraph Hunt: sh- and ch-

  • Make a chart labeled sh- and ch- at the top. As a group, find words that begin with sh- and ch- and write them in the columns.
  • Are there more words that begin with sh- or ch-?

Hands-on Activity: In My Smile Kit

Skill: writing, drawing, relationship skills

Materials: In My Smile Kit skills sheet, coloring tools, pencil

  • Assign students to work as partners. Ask students to imagine making a smile kit to help their partner feel happy and proud. What would they put in the smile kit?
  • Give students a few minutes to interview their partner. Encourage students to think of questions that would help them get to know their partner. You can help guide the conversations by asking:
    • What is your partner’s favorite color?
    • What does your partner like to do for fun?
    • What is your partner’s favorite game or toy?
  • Pass out the In My Smile Kit skills sheet, and ask students to write their partner’s name at the top of the smile kit. Then, have them write a sentence about something they would put in the smile kit and how they think their partner would feel. Last, draw items in the smile kit and decorate! Partners can exchange skills sheets at the end of the activity.