A guide for using our resources

Children will different forms of giving and generosity.

SEL Focus: relationship skills

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RI.1.1, L.1.2.B, W.1.1, L.1.1, RL.1.1, W.1.5

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: The Gift of Nothing by Patrick McDonnell

  • Mooch the cat wants to get a special gift for his best friend, Earl. But what do you get for a dog who has everything? Could it be. . . nothing? In this simple, heartfelt story, two friends learn that the greatest gift is each other.

Shared Writing: Our Holiday Gifts

  • Set up a chart with three columns labeled Time, Talent, and Love.
  • Brainstorm gifts kids can give in each category and who they might give them to. (It’s OK if some gifts overlap categories.) This is a great prewriting activity for both the My Gift to You skill sheet and the Holiday Coupon Book hands-on activity.

Hands-On Activity: Holiday Coupon Book

Skill: writing, social and emotional learning

Materials: Holiday Coupon Book skill sheets, pencils, crayons, stapler

  • Pass out the skill sheets (there are two pages per student). Have children cut out the pages, stack them with the cover on top, and staple them together.
  • First, kids can decorate the cover and write their name. Then, have them write what each coupon is good for. They can use ideas from the issue or from your Our Holiday Gifts brainstorming session (see Lesson Booster above). They can also decorate the coupons.
  • Have kids take their coupon books home to their families. The recipients can use the coupons anytime they’d like and collect their gifts!