A guide for using our resources
Children will follow a Native American child as he learns how to make a totem pole.
Social Studies Focus: traditions and culture
CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RI.1.1, RI.1.4, RI.1.5, RF.1.3, W.1.8
Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.
Paired Text: Let’s Celebrate! Special Days Around the World by Kate DePalma
Paired Text: Let’s Celebrate! Special Days Around the World by Kate DePalma
- This book’s simple, rhyming text and colorful illustrations introduce kids to a wonderful array of cultural traditions from all over the world. It’s great for broadening knowledge and perspective, and even includes phonetic spelling so you’re sure to properly pronounce each cultural celebration.
Sight Word Hunt: they and then
Sight Word Hunt: they and then
- Work together to find and circle the word they every time it appears.
- Then use a different color marker to circle each then.

Hands-On Activity: Our Family Traditions
Hands-On Activity: Our Family Traditions
Skill: asking questions, writing
Materials: Our Family Tradition skill sheet, pencils, crayons
- Kids can learn more about their own family traditions by doing an interview!
- Pass out the skill sheets and tell kids they will interview any older person in their family or who lives with them. They should ask each question on the sheet and write down the answers. Then children can draw a picture of the tradition they wrote about.
- Have children bring the skill sheets back to class. Display them on a wall or bulletin board to celebrate all the diff erent traditions in your classroom!