A guide for using our resources

Children will examine how goats help new trees grow.

Science Focus: seed dispersal

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RI.1.1, RI.1.3, RI.1.8, L.1.6, W.1.2, RL.1.1

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Who Will Plant a Tree? by Jerry Pallotta

  • This beautiful picture book is a perfect match for the issue! In it, different animals disperse seeds and plant trees without even knowing it.

Shared Writing: Plant Words

  • Create a chart of plant-related words that children can use in their writing or while observing plant life.
  • You can start with words from the issue, such as seed, soil, and sunlight. Then add more words, like flower, leaf, roots, and stem.

Hands-On Activity: Seed Comparison

Skills: observation and recording

Materials: Investigating Seeds skill sheet, variety of fruits, plastic knives, pencils, crayons

  • Divide children into groups of two or three. Give each group three fruits with different kinds of seeds, such as a lemon, an apple, and a peach. If possible, include a fruit with a pit.
  • Have children use plastic knives to cut open each fruit and scoop out the seeds.
  • Let kids look closely at the seeds and compare them, taking turns describing the seeds.
  • Finally, hand out the skill sheets and let children record their findings.