A guide for using our resources

Children will analyze and act out rabbit behavior.

Science Focus: animal adaptations

CCSS (and states that have similar standards): RI.1.1, L.1.1, RL.1.1 RF.1.2.A, RF.1.3

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Wee Little Bunny by Lauren Thompson

  • This sweet story follows a wee little bunny on a spring day adventure.
  • Beautiful illustrations and gentle text make this a lovely read-aloud.

Vowel Hunt: long and short o

  • Work together to find and circle every word in the issue that contains a long o sound.
  • Then use a diff rent color to find and circle each short o word.

Hands-On Activity: Do the Bunny Hop!

Skill: measurement

Materials: masking tape or sidewalk chalk, measuring tape

  • Rabbits can leap nearly 10 feet forward. Have kids hop and see how close they can get to a rabbit!
  • Using sidewalk chalk outside or masking tape inside, make a 10- foot line. For fun, put a picture of a bunny at the end.
  • One at a time, let kids stand on one side of the line and jump as far as they can. Mark where they landed. Then have children use the measuring tape to measure the distance. Kids can try a few jumps and see if they get closer to the bunny!